B.E. Harbour & Ocean Engineering

This course is formulated to obtain expertise in Harbour Engineering to fulfill the requirements of design and construction of Port and harbour structures and also to become Offshore engineers to design and construct as well as to operate and maintain offshore oil drilling platforms for oil exploration and production.
Course Duration: 4 Years or 8 semesters
Qualification: A Pass in Plus-two (12th Standard) or its equivalent, with minimum 50% aggregate in Maths, Physics and Chemistry group and 50% marks in English from recognized Board
Gender: Boys and Girls are eligible to apply.
Job Opportunities: Due to enhanced growth in marine industry in the recent years internationally, there is need for global development and research activities in Port sectors and Oil companies. This leads to a heavy demand for qualified harbour and Offshore engineers who can be successfully placed in India as well as abroad with attractive remunerative packages in
- Major and Minor ports
- Fishing harbours
- Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), Mumbai
- National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa
- National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT),Chennai
- Shipping Corporation of India (SCI), Mumbai
B.E. Harbour & Ocean Engineering (II Year Lateral Entry)
Lateral Entry Diploma in Civil Engineering.