MS (By Research)

M.S. (By Research) programme shall be offered in all the Engineering Departments of AMET University. Specific areas or topics for research shall be decided by the respective Departments by considering the research interests of both the Supervisor / Guide and Students.
A pass in the Bachelor's Degree of Engineering Disciplines (55% marks or CGPA of 5.5 on a 10 point scale) such as Marine Engineering, Naval Architecture, Harbour Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering of AMET University or any other recognized Engineering Degree (such as Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering etc.) as equivalent thereto in the fields of study approved and notified from time to time by the University.
(Or) Mariners and Naval Officers without any basic degree, but holding Certificate of Competency considered as equivalent to graduation by the University from time to time.
Note: Foreign Nationals sponsored by the Government of India or Industry and who satisfy the eligibility conditions of this programme as per the regulations shall apply for Full-time category with appropriate permissions, approvals and leave from Employer for the minimum duration of program. Place of study and Research in this category will be the respective Departments of the University.
- Full-Time M.S. (By Research) programme: Candidates under Full-time shall do research work in the respective Departments of the University. Duration of the Full Time M.S.(By Research) Programme is Two years in four semesters while the course work shall be completed in the first semester.
- Part-Time M.S. (By Research) (Internal) programme: Regular employees of University Departments and Full-time faculty members, and are classified as Part-time (Internal). The nomenclature shall continue for the above scholars till they are in the University's service. Duration of the Part Time M.S. (By Research) Program is three years while the course work shall be completed in the first semester.
- Part-Time External M.S. (By Research) (External) programme: Candidates working in Marine, Maritime and other Industries sponsored by the respective employer, or Self Employed are eligible in the Part-time (External) category. Candidates registered in this category are permitted to work Research Laboratories outside of the University for their projects. Duration of the Part Time (External) M.S.(by Research) Program is three years while the course work shall be completed in the first semester.
- Change of Category: The change of category of provisional registration shall be permitted subject to the recommendations of the Board of Research.
- Extension of Minimum Duration: Extension/Break of Study shall be permitted for candidates who completed their course work (which confirms the resgitration), if necessary, with prior approval from the Director (Research) upon the recommendations of the Supervisor, Head of the Department and Board of Reseacrh. However, such scholar should remit the semester fees during the break of study/extension period also. The maximum duration for the Extension/Break of Study shall be four / five year for Full-time/ Part-time scholars respectively.
- University will issue notification for M.S. (By Research) admission twice in a year (June and December) and eligible candidates shall apply as per notification.
- Selection is based on the performance in both written test and personal interview.
- Sponsored candidates and candidates qualified in GATE/Other National Level Eligibility Tests are exempted from written test and they have to appear only for the interview.
- The Board of Research shall approve and recommend the short listed candidates for admission to the M.S. (By Research) programme in the appropriate Specialization.
- The candidates admitted to M.S. (By Research) programme will have to pay the prescribed fees and apply for registration for M.S. (By Research) programme, within one month from the date of receipt of admission letter, failing which his / her admission offer will stand cancelled.
- Selected candidates will be provisionally registered for M.S. (By Research) programme by the Director Research with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor either in January or July session as desired by the candidates.
- Eligibility: Any faculty member already recognized as Supervisor for guiding Ph.D. scholars in AMET University is eligible to guide M.S. (By Research) scholars. For interdisciplinary researches that require more than one expert, a Co-Guide shall be approved by the Director Research with the recommendation of the Board of Research.
- Number of Scholars: A Supervisor shall guide only a maximum of ten scholars (including Ph.D. and M.S. (By Research) put together) as Supervisor / Co-Guide at any time. Additional scholars, if any under extraordinary circumstances, shall be decided by Director - Research on the merit of the cases, with prior approval of the Vice-Chancellor.
- Change of Supervisor: When a Supervisor of a scholar happens to be away from the University or retires from service on superannuation or leaves service, an alternate Supervisor shall be nominated by the Director - Research based on the request of the Supervisor along with the recommendation of the Head of the Department of the Supervisor. When a Candidate represents for change of Supervisor due to certain circumstances, Director - Research appoints alternate supervisor based on nomination and recommendations of the Board of Research.
- The scholar shall have to complete six courses totaling to 24 credits including a course on Common Research Methodology (prescribed by the Board of Research). The other courses including a Specialization Paper prescribed by the Supervisor shall be offered by the respective Departments after due approval by Board of Studies and Academic Council of the University.
- The prescribed course works shall normally be completed within one year from the date of provisional registration in the case of Full-time scholar and two years in the case of Part-time scholar failing which leads to appropriate action (including cancellation of registration) by the Director - Research.
- If any course, specific to the area of research has to be newly designed, then such course shall be formulated as a Special Elective at post graduate (PG) level to be covered in not less than 45 contact periods of instruction which also shall be designed by the Supervisor, recommended and approved in the Board of Studies and Academic Council. A scholar shall be permitted to undertake only two such Special Electives.
- All Coursework (including Special Electives) Evaluation shall be evaluated as mentioned: 50% Internal Assessment Marks and 50% Term End Examination Marks. All procedures related to coursework assessment and evaluation will be based on the regulations in practice at the University.
- The scholars shall secure a CGPA of 6.5 in the course works in order to become eligible for comprehensive examination. Failures shall undertake one more course work relevant to the area of research at PG level with the recommendation of the Board of Research or rewrite the examination from any one of the course works (other than the Special Elective) undertaken.
- Comprehensive Examination: A pass in the Comprehensive Examination is required for confirmation of M.S. (By Research) registration.
- On the successful completion of the prescribed course works, the Supervisor and Head of the Department (HOD) shall conduct a Comprehensive (written and oral) Examination for every scholar to test the background knowledge of the scholar in the broad area of specialization. The result of this examination and the results of the course works shall be forwarded to the Director - Research by the Supervisor with the recommendations of the HOD for confirmation of the provisional registration within two months from the date of the Comprehensive Examination. If the performance of the scholar is not found satisfactory, a onetime grace period of six months shall be given for reappearing in the Comprehensive Examination.
- Director - Research will confirm the registration of candidates who successfully completes their comprehensive examination. No Scholar will be confirmed unless tuition and other prescribed fees are paid.
- Research period: Scholars shall undertake a research project with the guidance of Supervisor for a period of not less than one year and two years for full time and part time registrations respectively.
- Place of research: Full time scholars shall undertake research works at the place of work of Supervisor (The University Department at which the Supervisor employed). Part time scholars are permitted to undertake research in Lab or other establishments with necessary facilities outside the University.
- Research outside the University: Research outside the University up to one year for all category of scholars are permitted by Director - Research for reasons stated by the Supervisor and forwarded by the Head of the Department for carrying out research related to his / her area.
At the end of every semester, commencing from the date of provisional registration, the scholar shall submit a progress report and a registration renewal form in the prescribed format along with the report of a seminar presentation (amongst faculty members in the Department) duly signed by the Supervisor and Head of the Department of the Supervisor during the payment of semester fee. If the progress work found unsatisfactory, Director - Research shall cancel the registration of the scholar.
- The Synopsis shall be submitted with the confirmed title in the prescribed format in not more than 15 pages. It shall consist of a few important references, short introduction, overall methodology, the results without the data and the conclusion(s) arrived at.
- Full time scholars can submit six copies of the synopsis to Director - Research with the recommendation of the Supervisor and HOD (upon the satisfactory performance of the scholar in a seminar at Departmental level amongst Faculty Members) after one year while part time scholars shall submit after two year of confirmation to Director Research.
- Along with synopsis, Supervisor shall submit a list of six examiners - three within the state and three within the country in the prescribed format which will be scrutinized by Director - Research for all the necessary documents and if satisfied, will be forward to the Controller of Examinations (COE).
- Controller of Examinations (COE) shall forward the synopsis along with the panel of Examiners to the Vice-Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor will select one Examiner each from the Panel and synopsis is sent to them by COE for their consent.
- Irrespective of the consent of the Examiners being received, the scholar shall submit within six months from the date of submission of the synopsis, five copies of the thesis along with two soft copies (in CD/DVD), in the prescribed format through the Supervisor to Controller of Examination.
- Thesis will be sent to the Examiners by Controller of Examination for adjudication.
- Examiners are expected to submit the reports within two months from the date of receipt of the thesis. In case of undue delay in receiving the thesis report, Vice Chancellor shall appoint another examiner from the panel already submitted. In case of unsatisfactory reports also, Vice Chancellor shall appoint a third examiner.
- On receipt of the Evaluation Report from both the examiners COE will forward them to the Supervisor who shall submit consolidated report (along with his/her report) with the name of the External Examiner for conducting the viva-voce.
- In consultation with the Supervisor, Controller of Examinations shall fix the date for viva voce and communicate to the Director Research and Chairman Board of Research. Supervisor shall make wide publicity for the viva - voce.
- Supervisor shall be the convener of viva-voce examination and the candidate will defend his / her thesis in the presence of External Examiner, HOD and a minimum of 10 other members.
- The recommendations of the viva voce External Examiner shall be forwarded by the Supervisor to COE.
- Controller of Examinations shall forward the recommendations to the Vice - Chancellor, who in turn will forward in the prescribed form to the Board of Management for the Award of degree of M.S. (By Research).
- Board of Management shall affix their approval and the degree shall be provisionally conferred on the scholar and in the ensuing convocation the Degree shall be conferred.
The registration is liable for cancellation administratively by the Director Research, if the scholar has not followed prescribed regulations for the M.S. Programme including the act of plagiarism and malpractices such as contact of Thesis examiners by the scholar regarding Thesis evaluation. In all the above cancellation cases, the fees paid by the scholar shall not be refunded and scholar will not be eligible for re-registration in general.
Notwithstanding all that has been stated above, the Board of Research of the University has the right to modify any of the above rules and regulations from time to time.